01 - Infection Fever
02 - Abdominal Pain
03 - Chills
04 - Foul Odor To Vaginal Discharge (Perforation Of The Uterus)
05 - Severe Abdominal Pain
06 - Shock
07 - Trophoblast
08 - Yolk Sac
09 - Fetal Pole
10 - The Fetus
11 - Umbilical Cord
12 - Placenta
13 - Amniotic Membrane
14 - Progesterone
15 - Morning Sickness
16 - Uterin Malformation
17 - Cervical Problems
18 - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
19 - Praeclampsia
20 - Hypothyroidism
21 - Physical Trauma
22 - Stillbirth
This is a killing stuff!
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